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Roman Pawlak, Ph.D, RDN
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Roman Pawlak, Ph.D, RDN
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Selected scientific
How prevalent is vitamin B(12) deficiency among vegetarians? - PubMed
Vegetarians are at risk for vitamin B(12) (B12) deficiency due to suboptimal intake. The goal of the present literature review was to assess the rate of B12 depletion and deficiency among vegetarians and vegans. Using a PubMed search to identify relevant publications, 18 articles were found that rep …
Is vitamin B12 deficiency a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in vegetarians? - PubMed
The goal of this paper is to describe the role of vitamin B12 deficiency in cardiovascular disease development among vegetarians. Vegetarians have a high prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Deficiency of this vitamin is associated with a variety of atherogenic processes that are mainly, but not ex …
Vitamin B-12 content in breast milk of vegan, vegetarian, and nonvegetarian lactating women in the United States - PubMed
Almost 20% of our study participants were classified as having low breast-milk vitamin B-12 concentrations (<310 pmol/L), independent of maternal diet pattern. Approximately 85% of participants categorized as having low vitamin B-12 were taking vitamin B-12 supplements at doses in excess of the R …
The prevalence of cobalamin deficiency among vegetarians assessed by serum vitamin B12: a review of literature - PubMed
The prevalence of cobalamin deficiency among vegetarians assessed by serum vitamin B12: a review of literature
Total Water-Soluble Choline Concentration Does Not Differ in Milk from Vegan, Vegetarian, and Nonvegetarian Lactating Women - PubMed
There was a wide range of water-soluble choline concentrations in the milk of healthy lactating women following vegan, vegetarian, and nonvegetarian diets, with no observed difference in total water-soluble choline concentration by maternal diet. This suggests that maternal plant-based diet by itsel …
A cross-sectional study of fatty acids and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in human milk from lactating women following vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore diets - PubMed
Breast milk from vegans had significantly higher unsaturated fat and total omega-3 fats, and lower saturated fats, trans fats, and omega-6 to omega-3 ratios than their vegetarian and omnivore counterparts. Docosahexaenoic acid concentrations in breast milk were low regardless of maternal diet patter …
Vitamin B12 status is a risk factor for bone fractures among vegans
Several studies consistently showed vegans having a higher risk of bone fractures compared to individuals from other diet groups. While researchers ha…
To vegan or not to vegan when pregnant, lactating or feeding young children - PubMed
To vegan or not to vegan when pregnant, lactating or feeding young children
Understanding Vitamin B12 - Roman Pawlak, Parrott Scott James, Sudha Raj, Diana Cullum-Dugan, Debbie Lucus, 2013
Vitamin B12 (B12) is essential in activating folate needed in DNA synthesis. Inadequate intake results in the impairment of nerve transmission and inadequate sy...
Vegetarian Diets in the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Its Complications - PubMed
<span><b>IN BRIEF</b> Epidemiological studies have found a lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes among vegetarians compared to nonvegetarians. This reduced risk is likely a function of improved weight status, higher intake of dietary fiber, and the absence of animal protein and heme iron in the diet. Interv</span> …
Iron Status of Vegetarian Children: A Review of Literature - PubMed
Thirteen original manuscripts met the inclusion criteria. Various biochemical markers of iron status, such as hemoglobin (Hb) and serum ferritin, were used. Seven of the 13 studies reported the prevalence of iron deficiency separately for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Five out of 7 showed a highe …
Iron Status of Vegetarian Adults: A Review of Literature
The goal of this study was to review published data on iron status among vegetarian adults. Thirteen original articles met the inclusion criteria. Among female vegetarians, the percentage of the sample with ferritin <12 µg/L or <12 ...
Articles published in popular magazine and/or websites
How to Defend Adventist Dietary Principles in Light of New Diet Trends (Part 1)
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How to Defend Adventist Dietary Principles in Light of New Diet Trends (Part 2)
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The Health Benefits of Olive Oil
“Should I cease giving my oil, with which they honor God and men?” —Judges 9:9 Olive oil has been used since ancient times in food preparation and for other purposes, such as lamps or as an ointment. In the Bible, olive oil is mentioned as a blessing for those who consume it. In the book of Deuteronomy we read God’s pledge regarding the Promised Land:
What about Vitamin D?
Vitamin D, like vitamins A, E, and K, belongs to a group of fat-soluble vitamins. There are two forms of vitamin D: cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. Cholecalciferol is produced in the skin of humans and animals under the influence of sunlight. Ergocalciferol is produced in some plants, provided that they have adequate exposure to the sun. Both cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol are forms that are not biologically active. Their activation occurs in two steps, the first of which takes place in the liver, while the second takes place in the kidneys.
What is Vitamin B12 and Why is it Important?
The science of nutrition is fascinating, practical, and progressive. As new discoveries regarding specific issues, diets, and nutrients are made, nutrition professionals gain better understanding and sometimes revise existing recommendations. Vitamin B12 is a good example. Findings made in the last few years challenged many assumptions regarding this nutrient and forced scientists to rethink important aspects regarding vitamin B12 needs and recommendations, and deficiency criteria, prevention, and treatment. The information in this article highlights a few of these new discoveries.
Is Red Wine Really Good for Your Health?
In the past several years, both in the media and in scientific literature, many articles were written to address the influence of drinking alcoholic beverages, especially red wine, on human health. Most of these articles dealt with the effect of red wine on cardiovascular disease. Epidemiological studies have shown that the French have a relatively low rate of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases compared with Americans and some other European countries, despite similar consumption of saturated fat in the diet.
Principles of Healthy Eating: Whole Grains
In the last several years, many new diets have been introduced, most if not all of which claim to be the solution to one (e.g. obesity), many, or even all
Principles of Healthy Eating: Fruits and Vegetables
Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables every day is the second principle of a healthy diet. Just as was the case with whole grains, the value of
Vitamin B12 and Vegetarian Diets
Vitamin B12 (B12) is essential in the synthesis of all new cells and maintenance of myelin, a coating of the nerve pathways. B12 deficiency is a worldwide
Principles of Healthy Eating: Nuts and Seeds
Consuming a variety of nuts and seeds daily constitutes another principle of healthy eating. Nuts played a significant role in human nutrition from
Artykuły w języku polskim
Jak spożywanie soi wpływa na ryzyko wystąpienia raka?
W pewnych krajach, szczególnie niektórych krajach azjatyckich, takich jak Japonia, Korea, Chiny czy Indonezja, spożywanie soi popularne ...
Czy kobiety w ciąży powinny używać suplementu jodu?
Jod jest pierwiastkiem, którego niedobór jest powszechny na całym świecie. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia szacuje, że około 35 procent ludzi...
Witamina B12 a atopowe zapalenie skóry i inne dermatozy
Autorzy: dr Roman Pawlak (East Carolina University) mgr Agata Radosh ( Atopowe zapalenie skóry to – jak wskaz...
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